Tagged: sad bastard music

Sad Bastard Music: June Gloom (John Gross)

The sadder the song, the better the song – that’s the motto Welcome to the latest in a monthly installment of your round up for the perfect sad bastard songs for most any occasion. You...

Sad Bastard Music: Melancholy May (John Gross)

Heyheyhey. Thanks for looking at the words NO DANCING on your computer screen right now. I wrote them so I could communicate to you some of the best tear-soaked songs out there. All of the...

Sad Bastard Music: April. Blah. (John Gross)

Howdy. Thanks for looking at these words on your computer screen. Pour yourself some whisky and crack open a fresh box of Kleenex and let’s get you set up with the latest installment of your...

Sad Bastard Music: Miserable March (John Gross)

Pull up a barstool, take a deep breath and really let the rye fill your lungs as you delve into this month’s installment of Sad Bastard Music. This is a column that takes a moment...

Sad Bastard Music: Jaded January (John Gross)

“Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands, of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened...