Monthly Archive: January 2015

Sad Bastard Music: Jilted January (John Gross)

Lost hope? Dreams ended? Spilled milk? This is Sad Bastard Music – a monthly column of the best sad songs of all time and this exists solely for your comfort. Come here buddy … bring...

Stream This

From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos.  Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS Please note that the majority of the streams...

Movie Breakdown: Blackhat (Noah)

People are doing traditional-style reviews all over the web, so we decided to try something different.  In each “breakdown” we’ll take a look at what a film’s marketing led us to believe, how the movie...

Purity Ring

Last week when SOTO came back online one of the first things I shared for your listening pleasure was the latest Purity Ring track.  At that point there wasn’t any word on a new album, but...

Toner (Noah)

Let’s say you’re a human being who has been, for a variety of reasons, been asked, every few weeks, to write a post about your local music scene. And let’s say that it’s the beginning...

Action Bronson

After seemingly an eternity of nothing but singles, mixtapes and the like, Action Bronson has finally put together an official full length.  This is great news.  I appreciate his steady craftiness when it comes to...

Weekly Movie News Rundown

Time for your weekly movie news update!  Below you’ll find a slew of sentences meant to provide a brief glimpse of what’s been going on over the past week in movieland.  If something leaves you...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

I know it’s a new year, we should be looking ahead and all that, but as my first mix of the 2015 comes only a week in I can’t post a bunch of music that...