72 Search results

For the term "happy metal fun time".

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

Trying to make sense of what Valentine’s Day means to people makes me understand how gullible human beings can be. We are suckers for a theme, a holiday, a reason to decorate or celebrate. It...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

Something I have been doing while interviewing bands for my podcast, The Metal Podcast with Chuck and Godless, is asking artists about one song. A song, any song that represents a time in your life...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

Since I did a holiday thing last month for Halloween, it would just be freaking lazy to do the same thing for this month, especially due to the limited landscape of heavy metal Christmas songs...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

My favorite month of the year arrived this week, October marks the beginning of the dark times. Fall in the South doesn’t really begin until this month, it starts to finally cool off, and the...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

Once Summer ends for many it feels like back to the grind, but for metal folks this is when things start to feel right. Personally, I don’t feel right with that much sunshine and happiness,...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

A data scientist for Degenerate State compiled over 200,000 songs, analyzed their lyrics to find the most heavy metal word, or at least the word that seemed to appear in the most songs from thousands...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

I am not sure why people like to think about Christmas in July, maybe it’s a simple longing for those happy times around the holidays for their family and friends, but more likely around our...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

It is difficult to wrap my head around the idea that 2016 is already halfway over, we’ll be hanging twinkle lights, tuning in football and cooking turkeys before you know it. We pause this month...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

You must realize by now that today is April Fool’s Day, and if you didn’t, you’re welcome. Before you ‘Love’ that post your buddy puts up about Donald Trump dropping out of the race or...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

I missed last month’s HMFT since I was sailing the seas of sleaze on the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise during my usual week, but that just gives me more bottled up aggression to release...