Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

Trying to make sense of what Valentine’s Day means to people makes me understand how gullible human beings can be. We are suckers for a theme, a holiday, a reason to decorate or celebrate. It isn’t necessary for you to prove to someone you love that you LOVE them on one particular day or another, some card company somewhere decided that we all needed to be made to feel guilty if we don’t express our selves on Feb 14th, an arbitrary day on the calendar. Look I am a mushy guy, I actually love my wife, my daughter and I don’t need anyone to tell me that I have to get some really expensive flowers to say it, luckily my loves are not part of the BS game, we just like to eat candy. So with the absence of any substance this month, I am obliged to give you a list of metal that will tug at your heartstrings, maybe make you feel like ripping out your own heart and giving it to someone that will spit on it or something. Good luck out there and if you are flying solo for VDay live it up!

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