Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

I am not sure why people like to think about Christmas in July, maybe it’s a simple longing for those happy times around the holidays for their family and friends, but more likely around our neck of the woods in Texas it’s because the heat is getting stifling about this time of year. We like to look at pretty pictures of ice and snow and think about what it would be like to not have to blast the AC twenty four hours a day and wear two shirts just to hold all the sweat from walking from your front door to your car that has turned into a blast furnace after ten minutes in the sun.

So this month, instead of listening to music from a holiday that will infest your earholes soon enough, let’s attempt to cool down in another way. Metal has a long standing tradition of celebrating the darkest part of the year, winter with its icy snow, snowy ice and wintery mix of evil in the air, it symbolizes death for many, and what’s more metal than that! So here is a cool down playlist this month of great blustery songs for you to enjoy while sweating away dreaming of cooler times.

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