Author: Zoe Cordes Selbin

Zoe Knows Instrumentals

Have you ever realized that there were just no words? That no matter how many lyric booklets you combed through, how many lyrics websites you clicked on, sing alongs you sang, there just weren’t any...

Zoe Knows The Ladies

If there’s one thing I love, it’s ladies who rock. Trying to pare down a list of my favorite female vocalists was extremely painful, but I think I’ve put together a solid list. This doesn’t...

Zoe Knows Quiet Contemplation

Have you ever had a heart to heart with your dearest friends? I am coming off of a string of those. It’s probably a byproduct of being 20, but soul-searching is on my mind lately....

Zoe Knows Life

“Life.” Sometimes life is great; like when Thundercloud Subs opens up just a few blocks away and you eat delicious avocado sandwiches. Sometimes like is rough; like when the Spurs lose and you see Tim...

Zoe Knows Party Jams

FINALS. By the time you read this, I’ll be in my last final. And as of that, I’ll be halfway done with college–whoa. So on the last two years, I’ve gotten pretty good at the...

Zoe Knows Sleepy Songs

I’m in college, so I just don’t sleep. I mean, technically I sleep. But it doesn’t happen often enough. I used to need complete silence to sleep, but a year and a half stint living...

Zoe Knows Love Songs

Oh, my loves, it is the month of love, and I do love love! I am not one of the bitter single people; no, I relish the chance to listen to my favorite love songs...

Zoe Knows Infinitely Sad Songs

There are few things more universal than sadness. If, you’re human, you’ve been sad, and chances are that you’ve got a song to go along or help you through it. I’m so enchanted by the...

Zoe’s Top 2012 Release

See, here’s the thing. I am consistently several years behind on music. I try keeping up, but I never seem to like any albums until they have been out for a long time. And I...

The Cure, Frank Sinatra, Daft Punk (Zoe)

Last night was a nail biter till the end. But I ended up celebrating; and even if you didn’t hopefully you could at least find a local race to enjoy. So, since I tend to...