Monthly Archive: September 2014

Stream This

From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos.  Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS Please note that the majority of the streams...

Throwback Thursday: Sleater-Kinney

Sleater-Kinney will forever be a favorite of mine, so you can only imagine how excited I was when the band announced that they’ve remastered each of their seven albums and will release them (individually and in one...


Remember that scene in Fellowship of the Ring where Gimli gently retells the story of how he asked Lady Galadriel for “one hair from her golden head” and she surprised and elated him by giving...

Little Cinema (Jennifer)

Little Cinema is a new indie pop project from songwriter Tyler Womack (ex-Hollywood Gossip). He’s currently living in Brooklyn, but he’s enlisted the help of some Austin friends, such as Shawn Jones (The Lovely Sparrows)...

Jonly Bonly (Dan)

 Jonly Bonly is led by guitarist extraordinaire Jason Smith, best known for his shredding in OBN IIIs. His virtuoso skills and shock of blond hair left an impression on all who saw him during...