Monthly Archive: September 2013

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

This month finally marks the demise of summer. By now I am exhausted from all the metal festivals, and the damn heat destroyed all the beautiful things. Fall begins to decay the rotting corpses left...

Stream This

The SOTO inbox is always full of cool stuff that never gets to see the light of day on the actual site, and I’d like to change that.  So, every Friday I’ll be posting the...

Movie Breakdown: Riddick (Noah)

People are doing traditional-style reviews all over the web, so we decided to try something different.  In each “breakdown” we’ll take a look at what a film’s marketing lead us to believe, how the movie...

Four Fists

Finally!  After years of feeling bummed about missing Four Fists at what I figured was a random one-off SXSW set, the mighty duo of P.O.S. and Astronautalis have let it be known that the project...

Movie Breakdown: Riddick

People are doing traditional-style reviews all over the web, so we decided to try something different.  In each “breakdown” we’ll take a look at what a film’s marketing lead us to believe, how the movie...

Hardly Sound (Jennifer)

Hardly Sound is a documentary series highlighting Texas underground music. It’s not your typical music documentary, though. Christopher Kim and Randy Reynolds, who created the series, know the struggles that artists face in making their...

Vaadat Charigim (Dan)

I get hammered with emails from publicists and random people promoting their bands, but since I focus mostly on Austin acts I disregard the majority of the promotional emails I receive. Not to say I...