Monthly Archive: July 2015

Movie Breakdown: Self/Less

The Impression: Ben Kingsley’s consciousness gets put in Ryan Reynold’s body.  Weird things happen. The Reality: There’s a good movie to be had somewhere in Self/Less – it follows a dying real estate mogul who doesn’t...

Show Of The Week

This week I’m cheating a bit and recommending two shows.  Both are at the Mohawk on Friday though, and if you pay for the early one you can stay for the late one.  Bam!  What a...

Migrant Kids (Video Premiere)

Migrant Kids may be in the midst of working new music (hear their latest single here), but that’s not stopping them from continuing to tool around with their 2013 self-titled debut.  Bryan O’Flynn, who is...

Movie Breakdown: Cartel Land (Noah)

The Impression: There’s a lot of stuff out there in Content Land about the Mexican Cartels and their movement around the border. This doc, a criss-crossing exploration of two vigilante movements on either side of...

The Eastern Sea

Well look at that, Austin’s own The Eastern Sea have a new song out! Their last LP was 2012’s Plague, and I was beginning to wonder when or if they would churn out another.  Actually,...

Happy Metal Fun Time (Chuck)

A patriotic month around these parts, people in America love their trans-fats, fireworks, flags and freedom, and add to that a violent metal soundtrack and that is pretty much everything we can be balled up...

Institute (Dan)

Last month Austin’s Institute released their debut full length album, Catharsis, via Sacred Bones Records. The label, home to bands such as Destruction Unit, Jenny Hval, and The Men, also released Institute’s 2014 EP, Salt....

Show Of The Week

There’s some solid local stuff this week that you could catch (Summer Salt at Cheer Up Charlie’s, The Heavenly States at Continental Club) and a couple good touring acts in town (Blonde Redhead at Mohawk,...