Top 10 Songs & Albums Of 2019 (So Far)
Now that we’re fully through the first half of the year, here are some songs and albums that I’ve kept in steady rotation. Enjoy. TOP 10 SONGS OF 2019 (so far and in no particular...
Now that we’re fully through the first half of the year, here are some songs and albums that I’ve kept in steady rotation. Enjoy. TOP 10 SONGS OF 2019 (so far and in no particular...
Enjoy. The National – Hairpin Turns The National’s I Am Easy To Find will be out very soon – May 17 – and I’m more than ready for it. The new tunes have all been...
J Mascis – Don’t Do Me Like That (Tom Petty Cover) J Mascis is about to head out to Japan and Europe, so he’s put out this Tom Petty cover to celebrate the occasion. You...
Here I was thinking I was in for just another Tuesday, and then my super favorites The National come along and deliver a trifecta of great things – a new album, a short film and...
Here are the albums I listened to the most this year. Enjoy. 25) Alvvays – Antisocialites Antisocialites is a catchy, occasionally infectious collection of tunes from Alvvays. Definitely a worthy follow-up to their self titled...
Well look at that, here are my Top 50 Songs of 2017. Enjoy. 50) Jamiroquai – Automaton Jamiroquai still got it, man. 49) Matthew Logan Vasquez I jammed this Matthew Logan Vasquez (of Delta Spirit...
The National’s Sleep Well Beast will be out in roughly a month (on September 8, to be exact), and I’m fully expecting to want to spend a lot of time with it. Below is the...
Damn. This is what I said the first time I listened to Guilty Party, the new single from The National. Combine it with their previous gem, The System Only Dreams In Darkness, and you’ve got...
The National have always existed in a sort of gray area for me. Sometimes I really dig what they’re doing, other times I don’t. Currently, I’m all about their driving new single (that I took...
From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos. Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS ALBUM OF THE WEEK Phantogram – Voices...