“Splendor & Misery is an Afrofuturist, dystopian concept album that follows the sole survivor of a slave uprising on an interstellar cargo ship, and the onboard computer that falls in love with him. Thinking he is...
“Splendor & Misery is an Afrofuturist, dystopian concept album that follows the sole survivor of a slave uprising on an interstellar cargo ship, and the onboard computer that falls in love with him. Thinking he is...
From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos. Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS Please note that the majority of the streams...
From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos. Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS Please note that the majority of the streams...
From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos. Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS Please note that the majority of the streams...
From the depths of the SOTO inbox, I present to you your weekly serving of the latest and greatest album streams and videos. Enjoy. FULL ALBUM STREAMS Please note that the majority of the streams...