Tagged: ant-man

Movie Breakdown: Ant-Man And The Wasp

Pre-Screening Stance: Ant-Man is currently the least important character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Seriously, if you were to delete the first film and the character’s appearance in Captain America: Civil War, would it matter? ...

Movie Breakdown: Ant-Man (Noah)

The Impression: As big as Marvel films are getting, and let’s be honest they’re like ‘roided up Hulk snorting PCP riding an elephant, they’ve also hit a sort of formulaic lull. Ant-Man, formerly Edgar Wright’s,...

Movie Breakdown: Ant-Man

The Impression: Marvel goes … small … in the wake of the enormous Age of Ultron.  Paul Rudd stars.  The film looks kind of goofy. The Reality: Ant-Man is an overall entertaining film, but it’s...