Deleted Scenes (Dan)

Did you get your taxes done on time? Perhaps you got an unexpected return and are looking for fun ways to spend your tax refund? Well then I have some suggestions for you.

Yesterday the beloved DC band Deleted Scenes released their third full length album and I’m hear to tell you, it’s phenomenal. Lithium Burn is the follow up to the much heralded Young People’s Church Of The Air and it marks yet another leap for the band. Trying to compared Deleted Scenes to other bands or accurately characterize their sound is near impossible. The group strives to expand their range not just on each album, but in each song. I guess the best description would be experimental art rock performed with brutal honesty and sincerity. Let’s just say this is not your usual indie pop rock.

Lead singer Dan Scheuerman’s lyrics have a confessional quality that gives each song a certain power and fire. He exposes his own fragility and self-doubt without reservation. Sometimes it’s alluring and moving like on You Get To Say Whatever You Want and sometimes it’s jarring like on Stutter. Either way the tracks will impact you like few bands today are capable of doing.

The new record also does a brilliant job of capturing the essence of a Deleted Scenes live performance. This is no easy feat and is a tribute to both the band and the album producers. The group has honed its craft over many years and countless shows and they have evolved into one of the tightest and most talented bands you’re likely to see.

So do yourself a favor and make your way down to Holy Mountain on Saturday night for the Deleted Scenes show with Royal Forest and Brass Bed. And while you’re there, treat yourself to a vinyl copy of Lithium Burn. I can’t think of a better way to spend that money from Uncle Sam.

:Deleted Scenes – You Get To Say Whatever You Want:

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