Raised Eyebrows: 31 Years Of Pollard (Randy)
Let’s take a look this month at one of the most prolific songwriters of the lo-fi era. Robert Pollard is the principle songwriter and frontman of the legendary Ohio indie rock band, Guided By Voices. Beyond GBV, the now 60 year old Pollard has released over 20 solo LP’s and has released records with over 25 side projects. With this many releases, it can be a daunting task to approach Pollard’s body of work without getting completely lost. So, I got lost for you and put together 31 of Pollard’s finest moments; covering everything from 1987’s Devil Between My Toes up to 2018’s impressive Space Gun. Highlights from solo and side projects are also represented. Here’s to 31 more years, Bob!

photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/instagbv