Movie Breakdown: Small Engine Repair

Pre-Screening Stance:

The trailer for Small Engine Repair ramps up in a way that I wasn’t expecting at all, and I’m really hoping the film itself will as well. Fingers crossed.

Post-Screening Ramble:

Small Engine Repair is … well, a small movie but it’s also one that packs a nice punch. The film gets underway with an introduction to Frank (John Pollono), his daughter Crystal (Ciara Bravo), and his two best friends, Swaino (Jon Bernthal) and Packie (Shea Whigham). Things are good for the group but there’s also an underlying feeling that it all could fall apart at any moment, and that’s exactly what happens after the three men get into a brawl at a bar. The film then skips forward a few months and picks up with Frank inviting Swaino and Packie to rekindle their friendship and reminisce about better days – however, that’s not all he has planned.

Adapted from a play of the same name, Small Engine Repair is centered around an act of revenge, one that does eventually shift it from a drama into a thriller, but the film looks at a lot more, including toxic masculinity, the pitfalls and benefits of social media, and class privilege. I suppose it’s not of interest to most to hear about such things from three white guys in their 40s, but the film’s dark comedic tone and the men’s blend of ignorance and experience actually works rather well to keep the conversations going. It’s also helpful that Pollono, Bernthal and Whigham are all very comfortable together and their interactions feel like real friends having real discussions. Will you learn something new from it all? Unlikely, but it does mean it’s a well-layered, taut film that will hold your attention.

You can see the movie in theaters starting this Friday, September 10.

One Last Thought:

Big ups to John Pollono for writing, directing and starring in this film. Triple threat!

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