Quickdraw: Nilufer Yanya, Enumclaw, Hinds, Fake Fruit, Milly


Nilufer Yanya – Method Actor

Method Actor is the title of Nilufer Yanya’s new album, and it’ll be out on September 13. Her textured touch is really shining bright on this inspired track.


Enumclaw – Change

Enumclaw’s debut album, Save The Baby, was a big favorite of mine back in 2022, so I’m very excited for their impending sophomore effort, Home Is Another Life (due out August 30). Here’s the anthemic first single, which features some great work by singer Aramis Johnson.


Hinds – Enforma

Here’s the latest catchy number from Hinds. Weirdly, despite being from Spain, it’s the first song they’ve done in Spanish. Anyhow, their new album, Viva Hinds, is due out September 6.


Fake Fruit – Cause Of Death

With the arrival of this single, Fake Fruit have now put out two really clever, interesting tracks off their upcoming album, Mucho Mistrust (due out August 23). Seems like it’s going to be a winner. By the way, the band will be in Austin (with Omni) on June 12 to play the Ballroom.


Milly – Bittersweet Mary

Milly are just about to drop a new album – Your Own Becoming will be out on June 28. I really like this single, which is a nice 90s-leaning mix of alt-rock and shoegaze.

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