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Monday, May 21, 2012

Today's Quick Mention:  There's a strong lack of shows going down around Austin tonight, so it looks as though you're just going to have to stay in.  I advise finding as many episodes of VEEP as you can.  That show is hilarious.

My deaf neighbor recommended today's music.  Enjoy.

:Broncho - Try Me Out Sometime:  This act released a full length titled Can't Get Past The Lips towards the end of last year, and apparently I just totally whiffed on giving it a listen.  Shame on me!  Also, thanks for nothing, President Obama.  In any case, this a niece piece of punk, and I look forward to the chance to see the band play at the Mohawk on June 27.

:Lemonade - Softkiss:
  I'm not going to say that this track is better than their last single (it was called Neptune, in case you don't remember), but it's still got plenty of synthy goodness going for it.  Technically, you won't be able to snatch up Diver until True Panther releases it on May 29, but it's currently available in its entirety on Spotify.  Go check it out, friends.

:Perfume Genius - Rusty Chains:  Over the last month or so I've made an effort to spend a little time with PG's Put Your Back N 2 It, and it's actually pretty good.  Granted, I have to listen to it with headphones and I kind of need to be in a particular mood before I can hit play, but I do think he crafts quality music.  This track is apparently something he's been doing live and getting a good response to, so he cut a studio version.  Get it now.

:My Great Ghost - Plain Sight:  This track is just a straight ear pleaser.  It's so well crafted, especially when it comes to the variety of layers that constantly swirl around as the song moves along.  You have to make sure that you throw on a nice pair of headphones before you hit play.  My Great Ghost is all set to release their self titled EP on July 10.

:Baauer - Harlem Shake:  Normally, I don't at all dig songs that could double as house music in a club I'd never even consider going to, but this track turned out to be surprisingly infectious.  I think you'll see what I mean if you make sure to listen to with the volume thoroughly cranked.  This song was just released via Jeffree's, which is a Mad Decent offshoot.

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