Today's Quick Mention: If you're not
catching The Avengers for a second or third
time tonight, I hope that you made plans to attend to the sold out Tennis and Vacationer show
that's set to go down at the Parish. I
think it's going to be a really good one.
I know there's some sort of Passion Pit backlash
that's been going on since they graduated from blogs
to the Rolling Stone, but I think they're a pretty
solid act. They've had some rather nice
singles, and now they have a new full length that
seems to be heading in a neat direction.
Gossamer is due out July 24 via Columbia.
Pit - Take A Walk:
I think this is a nice number, but know going in that there
really isn't a strong hook and the lyrics are sort of silly.
On the bright side, though, there's an infectious amount of
energy in it, and I especially love that it doesn't feature
an inordinate amount of falsetto vocals. It gives me
some hope that the new LP won't just be more of the same
from them.
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