Guys, I totally
get it - it's hot. It's definitely significantly hotter
outside than the warm stasis of our internal body temps. I
get it. It's a little slice of miserable, and there's this
salty liquid leaking from our pores. Cray, right? Here's the
thing, before I see another shitty cell phone pic of your
car's exterior temp gauge or a screen capture of the iPhone
forecast, please take a hot second to appreciate how easy it
is for us to live in this. A hundred years ago - scratch
that - seventy-five years ago, within one human life span,
you would be outside right now instead of sitting in an
office surrounded by electronics, or maybe in a home
surrounded by less expensive electronics. You would be
sweating your ass off working in a field or a factory and
you wouldn't even have ice to chill your daily allotment of
six ounces of dirty water. Luckily, America no longer
manufactures anything but ideas, trends, and dumb
politicians. So, please, I sympathize with the fact that
it's an abominable inferno outside, but take a moment to
acknowledge that you can get to your centrally chilled
office from your air conditioned house by way of your
downright icy car interior and you only really have to step
outside to join me for a beer on the patio, dammit. So where
are you? I've been waiting for you on the patio for like an
hour. Get your ass out here!
Against The Storm - HARK: