I’ve often referred to Best Coast as my musical gateway drug. Once I started adoring them, I craved more - songs even beachier, female vocals even more longing (longing-er?). Sure. Two of my current obsessions definitely come from the Best Coast School of Female Indie Rock Vocalists. But unlike the quirky, soft, traditional types - see, Regina Spektor and Joanna Newsom - these girls wanna turn up the amps a little louder.
Similarly hailing from California are the Dum Dum
Girls. Their guitars sound like the way a cool
vintage shop feels. Dee Dee’s vocals are strong and
tender. The singers damn stage name is Dee Dee! Dum
Dum Girls worked with one of Blondie’s producers on
their debut album, and I think the Blondie influence
often shines through. The band has two full length
albums out, and just released an EP, He Gets Me
High. To be honest, my favorite track off that
is their Smiths cover, "There Is A Light That Never
Goes Out." Their take on it refreshes the already
amazing track and gives it a less dreary feel.
course, I’d be remiss to write about fantastic
females and skip over Cults. They share the dreamy,
lo fi quality of the other two bands, but err far
more on the pop side. The whole vibe is almost 1960s
girl group - Madeline Follins' voice is extremely
high pitched and the music is simple but catchy. I
love the dual vocals of the track "Abducted," and
the story line lyrics, which again give it a 60s
feel. Can’t you just imagine some girl in a poodle
skirt twisting to this track? Cults may not have as
much "in your face" badassery as Best Coast or Dum
Dum Girls, but I think Follins’ strength is hidden
under the bubblegum feel.