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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

[The Dø]

Alright, kids. Gather round and sing this with me now ...

Dø - a band, a real good band.
Re - a guy not in it at all.
Mi - a guy that likes the Dø.
Fa - I’ve still got a long, long way to go.

So, considering the above, I’m going to stop myself while I still can. The Dø (pronounced as in a deer, a female deer) is made up of Dan Levi and Olivia Merilahti. Naming themselves after the first and last note of that ever so recognizable standard musical scale, this duo hopes to cover every musical base from do to do while knocking re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti down on their way. It is in this that you’ll find the Dø’s singularity - an attraction to numerous genres all minimized down to play a piece in their music. Covering such a wide range of styles from rock, pop, folk and even hip-hop, they’re truly a colliding intersection of genres, and with the unlikely blending of so many styles, eclectic might not be a strong enough word for them. This, I know, is likely to be true though - you’re bound to like something in their bit of everything.

Their sophomore release, Both Ways Open Jaws, is out now.

:The Do - Gonna Be Sick:

:The Do - Calendar:

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