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Friday, April 20, 2012

Today's Quick Mention:  Don't forget that tomorrow is Record Store Day!  There's a ton of great releases (see the full list here) lined up, so get out there and support the kind folks who still sell physical copies of music.

Weekend time!  Enjoy.

:Sad Baby Wolf - Everything Is (Neutral Milk Hotel):  Aside from the fact that their name sounds like they picked three items out of a hipster-themed grab-bag, I like this band.  Way to be, Marty Crandall and Neal Langford (both are former members of the Shins).  This rather solid cover doesn't call anything official home, so grab it while it's here in front of you.

:Belaire - This Could Take All Night:  To be honest, I wasn't even aware that this local act was in the process of readying a new anything.  I dig their pop ways, though, so I'm happy to see that they were able to put something together.  The band is set to celebrate the release of Resonating Symphony at 29th Street Ballroom tomorrow night.  We should all go.

:Island Twins - The Wolf's Lair:
  If you like your pop music to come with a bit of noise sprinkled on the top of it, then you should probably prepare yourself to quickly find a lot to really like about this band.  Here's hoping the rest of their upcoming full length has more of the same.  You can expect to be able to snatch up their self titled debut on June 1.

:Felix - Oh Thee 73:  Pitchfork's track section can sometimes tend to be a bit much, but this week it really delivered a gem in the form of this track.  It's a rather well crafted effort, and I especially dig the vocal work.  Do yourself a favor and slap on some headphones before hitting play.  The band is expected to release Oh Holy Molar this Monday via Kranky.

:Twin Steps - Pinkie Promise:  I'm conflicted when it comes to this song.  One part of me thinks it's a test of my patience and just not an ear pleaser at all, and the rest of me wants to call it infectious.  What do you think?  Tell me, friends!  The band recently released the Serial Parade EP on Cola Bruin.  I should probably set aside some time to check it out.

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