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Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today's Quick Mention:  Good news!  I've been invited to chat it up with a few others at Music Movie Monday on September 26 at the Parish.  Zoe Cordes Selbin will be hosting, and the movie shown will be Almost Famous.  It's free, so drop by and see what silly things I blurt out.

The Beets are another one of those bands that I feel I should be well aware of, but as can be the case from time to time, I had no idea they existed.  Check out their new single below.  Then, if you happen to have such things in your possession, email me their previous efforts.  The trio just signed to Hardly Art, who will release Let The Poison Out on October 24.  Enjoy.

:The Beets - Doing As I Do:  While the Beets' press release says they may be the best band in New York, I don't think I'm in any position to claim them as such just yet.  However, I do really dig this track.  It's as effortless as anything I've come across this year, and I'm honestly pretty excited about the idea of an entire album that features material this fun to kick back and listen to.  Let's hope it actually plays out that way.

The Beets - Cold Lips

- John Laird -

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