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Monday, May 23, 2011

For the sake of not having to write the same intro a million different ways throughout the rest of time, just know that this column avoids the overly long and sometimes dull process of full film reviews and instead opts to break things down based on what I thought going in, what happened while I was there and what I learned at the end of it all.  Hope that's OK.

Read on!

The Breakdown - The Hangover: Part 2

The Impression:

One of the biggest comedies of all time get sequelized.

The Reality:

The Hangover: Part 2 has no choice but to end up as the weirdest movie any of us will see in 2011.  The effort is certainly there.  Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis all turn in performances that at least equal their work in the first movie, and director/writer Todd Phillips is clearly trying to put his best foot forward.  However, despite there being a clear amount of work on the screen, the sequel is also an incredibly lazy film that leeches off every single gag from the original.  Seriously.  You've seen this movie.  In fact, it isn't really as much a sequel as it is a remake of the original.

So did I hate it?  No.  I actually thought it was okay, which must sound bizarre considering I just threw it under the bus for not doing one damn thing it can call its own.  Like I said, the effort is there (and the repeat bits will still crack you up), but it's obvious that everyone involved didn't know what to do to follow-up the massive success of the first entry, so they took it out of Las Vegas, placed it in Bangkok, changed a few minor plot points and then called it a day.

Let's face it though, you're going to undoubtedly see this over the upcoming holiday weekend, and I don't blame you.  It's not terrible.  Just be sure to not re-watch the original so that the sequel seems fresher than it really is.

The Lesson:

Sometimes the "recipe for success" is one-time use only.

- John Laird -

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