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Saturday, May 21, 2011

I try, as hard as I can, to see everything that gets released every single week. This presents a bevy of problems: a lot of films are shitty, thus my brain is melted in to smaller bits of puddle each time I sit through a Sex And The City 2 or one of its kin. At times five or more movies release in a given week, and ten or so hours of time is oft times difficult for me to wrangle up in a life wrought with, well, life. A lot of the time, and it never bodes well, the bigger films don’t get theatrical premieres because the studios are either too scared that critical lambasting will deflate their zeppelin or because, they don’t care. You can poke as many holes in a Transformer film as you want, it’s still going to make a bazillion dollars.

There are many reasons why I can’t review everything, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion on what’s coming out. Thus, this new column, What I’m Not Watching. If I can’t see it, I want to at least say how I think it’s going to be and whether or not it’s worth watching. Also, I’d love to give a good reason why I’m not seeing these films, because on occasion it’s just out of my hands.

Tell me what you think. And as always, thanks for reading.

- What I'm Not Watching -

13 Assassins, d. Takashi Miike

Takashi Miike isn’t always my cup of tea. I think his horror films strive too hard to be emotional and gory at the same time and lack because of it. Yet, his films are always interesting to watch and his prolific filmography is something to respect and appreciate. His recent turn towards historical samurai films is garnering pretty impressive feedback and 13 Assassins even has had critics discussing his inner-Kurosawa. This one fell through the cracks for me, but I’m eagerly awaiting it’s release on some rentable format so I can spend a quiet evening watching, ahem, 13 killers try to take down a warlord with all the fervor Miike-san can muster.

Will I See It Sans Screening: It currently tops my lengthy Films To See list. And I’m itching to scratch it off.

L’Amour fou, d. Pierre Thoretton

After sitting through The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls just moments ago, I’d be happy to invest my time in any sort of documentary that presents its characters with some modicum of shading. Especially if the film features Yves St. Laurent life partner auctioning their massive collection of fine art. YSL is a fascinating character and the brief glimpses I’ve had of his collection of expensive knick-knacks has floored me. An entire film about his fascinating character and the near obsessive collecting he filled his life with, sounds fascinating.

Will I See It Sans Screening: My lady friend Alex was once a mighty fan of YSL and any film I can convince her to sit through with me, is one I’ll certainly throw some dough towards.

The First Grader, d. Justin Chadwick

Director Justin Chadwick has only made one feature film, the critically reviled The Other Boleyn Girl, and it sparked not a nary of interest in me. The First Grader, his film starring Naomi Harris about an 84-year old first grader in Kenya who fights to go to school for the first time, also glimmers with little to no interest for me. I hate a film, almost right off the bat, described as "Uplifting!" on the poster, and this one has eleven different synonyms for "uplifting" scrawled upon it, thus, even with a screenings offered, I gratefully declined.

Will I See It Sans Screening: Most certainly not. The lack of interest within me is palpable.

Another week gone, another bevy of films not seen. Next week might be a slim one as well.

- Noah Sanders -

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