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Saturday, May 7, 2011

For the sake of not having to write the same intro a million different ways throughout the rest of time, just know that this column avoids the overly long and sometimes dull process of full film reviews and instead opts to break things down based on what I thought going in, what happened while I was there and what I learned at the end of it all.  Thanks for reading!

The Breakdown - Meek's Cutoff

The Impression:

I’ve never actually seen a film by indie superstar Kelly Reichardt, but the trailers and the general aura radiating off them makes me think ... slow and meandering. Thus her film about a group of settlers literally wandering in the desert trying to find their actual and metaphoric way does not intrigue me.

The Reality:

I think whatever Reichardt was attempting to do with this film was achieved admirably. The story of a group of settlers lead astray by a hugely bearded Bruce Greenwood is slow and meandering and only occasionally pauses to address any sort of narrative progression. The crux of the film is being lost and trying to be found and discovering that how we are isn’t exactly how we actually are. Unfortunately, for me at least, the presentation of these ideas was boring to the point of slumber and I can not recommend Reichardt’s film in any way. Again, many fans of Old Joy and Wendy And Lucy will probably love this film and spit on my grave when I die, and to them I say, have fun, or stare slack-jawed at a desert for two hours while Michelle Williams acts tough and Paul Dano continues to bore me to tears with his over-acting and scarecrow looks. For the rest of you, avoid this film and go see Thor. I’ve heard it’s quite good.

The Lesson:

I don’t like Kelly Reichardt. Don’t judge.

- Noah Sanders -

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