Today's Quick Mention: Tonight you can
either buy all the weed in the world and attend
Widespread Panic at ACL Live, or you can head on
over to a theater for Woody Allen's Midnight In
Paris. You'll dig it. I promise.
I don't know why, but it's weird to me that She And
Him went from being a cute project to full on indie
powerhouse. Sure, their success makes sense,
as there's plenty of talent to be found in both M.
Ward and Zooey Deschanel, but I guess I always
figured they'd be done with the gig before anything
big ever really rolled around. In any case,
below is their contribution to Rave On Buddy
Holly, which is due June 28 via Fantasy/Conchord.
And Him - Oh Boy (Buddy Holly Cover):
Because surprises just aren't something they'd ever both
with, these two churned out what they always do - an
adorable track that will infect your brain and refuse to
ever leave. On the bright side, that's not a bad
thing, and I will happily add that their particular style
actually does a great job of simply updating the famed
original from Buddy Holly. Hope this makes it into
their lives sets from now on.
She And Him - In The Sun
- John Laird -
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related pages, including the blog's archives, is licensed by
John Laird under a
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