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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Preview - Another Hole In The Head Film Festival

This will be the second year in a row that I’ll be out of town for what looks to be one of San Francisco’s most entertaining film festivals. Another Hole In The Head is in its 8th year as purveyor of all things horror and sci-fi, and it feels like each year they hit their stride a little bit more. This isn’t your horror fest dedicated to generic horror pap that clogs our theaters today, oh no, this is a celebration of the truly fucked up. Co-sponsored by the oft times interesting IndieFest, these are low budget fringe films that will appal and challenge your fat-lidded Christian ideals. I’ll be cruising the flatlands of the Midwest and will miss the entire festival, but still wanted to shower the good people behind the fest with a little praise. I’ll have two reviews for films the festival is showing, but in the meanwhile here’s a smattering of stuff you’ll be lucky to see if you’re living in San Francisco this weekend:

The Oregonian, d. Calvin Lee Reeder
Calvin Lee Reeder is one strange individual and the buzz around The Oregonian is equally strange. I decided to dig in to the film as an experiment in to how much weirdness I can take, and Calvin Lee Reeder certainly pushed those boundaries. The Oregonian strays far away from any narrative, but succeeds strongly in creating a truly grating mood.

The Craving, d. Valerie R. Castro
Gruesome cooks and foodie culture horrifically skewered by a local SF director? Sounds like a highlight.

Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidora: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
Awesome. A 35mm print of the greatest monsters of all time beating the living hell out of each other. Maybe there is some other city where Godzilla flicks get screened on 35mm all the day long, but not in SF, so I’m calling this a must-see.

A Cadaver Christmas, d. Joe Zerrull
A zombie Christmas flick, but one that screens with a film called 52 Takes of The Same Things, Then Boobs. Who cares about Christmas zombies, I want takes and boobs.

And that’s just a taste of the weirdness. Head on over to the website and peruse the strange world of film they’ve set up and then get out there and see some bizarre film.
The festival runs from June 2nd until June 17th.

- Noah Sanders -

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