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Friday, July 15, 2011

Today's Quick Mention:  If you decide to take a moment to do something other than wear your custom-made Harry Potter costume this weekend, I recommend either the Long Tangles at Skinny's Ballroom or the Sour Notes at Cactus Cafe tonight, and then Monarchs at the Swan Dive tomorrow.  Have fun!

The below songs have nothing to do with Harry Potter.  Enjoy.

:Maria Taylor - Matador:  Maria Taylor has been a bit hit or miss for me when it comes to the music she's created while not a part of Azure Ray, so I can't say I'm dying to hear her new full length.  Still, this is a neat piece of pop with a slick, confident sound that makes me at least a little curious to hear what may surround it on Overlook.  It's out August 16 via the always steady Saddle Creek.

:The Tallest Man On Earth - Weather Of A Killing Kind:  If there's one folk artist on this planet that I'd like to deliver a new album immediately, it's this one.  So, you figure out a way to make that happen as soon as possible, and I'll sit at home patiently waiting for its arrival.  You're probably already aware of this, but the song is another slice from the fantastic Adult Swim singles program.

:The War On Drugs - Come To The City:  This is a weird track.  The music is a big blot of whatever, as it just kind of glides along with the same steady beat and not a lot else, but if you're like me you won't care at all since Adam Granduciel's voice sounds so damn good.  Use headphones, friends.  The new LP, Slave Ambient, is due August 16 via Secretly Canadian.

:Fair Ohs - Baldessari:  This group's first single, Summer Lake, was catchy, fun and energetic in all the right ways, and this is more of the same.  Nothing wrong with that, right?  The band will release Everything Is Dancing on July 26 via Lefse.  Hopefully a tour stop in Austin will happen once their debut is out, as I'm sure these songs are a blast when experienced live.

:Real Estate - It's Real:  While it largely just repeats the same hook throughout it's not-even three minute runtime, I still really like this song.  I blame my appreciation for how well crafted it is.  Also, there's the part where I can't seem to get that aforementioned hook out of my head.  In any case, Domino will release Days on the forever away date of October 18.

- John Laird -

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