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Monday, August 8, 2011

Today's Quick Mention:  Have you guys heard of 8 Tracks?  Over the weekend I gave it a shot and ended up throwing together a little mix based on a handful of local bands that I think are having great years.  You should check it out.

Tunege for your Monday.  Enjoy.

:The Bandana Splits - Sometimes:  Annie Nero, Dawn Landes and Lauren Balthrop have teamed up to form this retro pop act, and I love them for it.  If you miss the bubbly material that the Pipettes used to do so well, then you're really going to like this catchy gem.  The trio will release Mr. Sam Presents The Bandana Splits on August 16 via Boy Scout Recordings.

:Sleepy Vikings - Calm (Her Space Holiday Remix):  I'm not exactly familiar with the original version of this song, but I know that this HSH remix reminds me of early TV On The Radio.  That, as you have probably already guessed, is a good thing.  We should all take a little time to check out Sleepy Viking's debut, They Will Find You Here.  It's currently available via New Granada.

:Body Language - Social Studies:  It's been a few years since I've heard anything from this band, so it was nice to see a new track with their name on it.  Only, I'm not exactly sure how new this is, as it seems to have been floating around for a good while.  Regardless, it's a really nice piece of electo-pop that deserves all the attention it can get.  The Social Studies EP is due October 11 via Lavish Habits/OM Records.

:Male Bonding - Tame The Sun:
  Coming in about four minutes shorter than the first single that was put out a few weeks back, this is what can be described as a bit more accessible.  Although, if you've never found much to like in Male Bonding, then I'm not sure this relentless number will do much to change your mind.  Sub Pop will set free Endless Now on August 30.

:Equals - False Light:  Considering that the band is based in Texas and I'm a big instrumental post rock fan, I feel as though I should have been aware of their existence before this weekend.  But I wasn't, and I'm fairly certain it's your fault.  In any case, this is a nice listen, and you should definitely make an effort to pick up their self titled debut.  It will be out August 30 via Manateam Records.

- John Laird -

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