For the
sake of not having to write the same intro a million
different ways throughout the rest of time, just know that
this column avoids the overly long and sometimes dull
process of full film reviews and instead opts to break
things down based on what I thought going in, what happened
while I was there and what I learned at the end of it all.
Hope that's OK.
Read on!
Breakdown - Splice
The Impression:
Adrien Brody and a poor man's Julianne Moore take genetics
to a Frankenstein-like level and create something
they shouldn't have.
The Reality:
While there is definitely a part of this that turns into two
panicked scientists wondering where along the way they
thought it was OK to create something so adept at kicking
ass, this film really surprises in the actual relationships
between the three main characters. The guy (Adrien
Brody), the girlfriend (poor man's Julianne Moore) and Dren
(the creature that will have you reminiscing about Brundlefly)
are just fascinating to watch as they react to their bizarre
situation. I mean, without spoiling anything, let's
just say the lines of what's considered right and wrong are
blurred, crossed and eventually just entirely wiped away and
redrawn in ways you may not be ready for.
The Lesson:
Marketing is tricky. This movie is made to look like
it's all about a creature gone wild on the world, but it's
actually a rather intimate tale of parenting mistakes.
- John Laird -
otherwise expressly stated, all text in this blog and any
related pages, including the blog's archives, is licensed by
John Laird under a
Creative Commons License.