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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today's Quick Mention:  So, which of you will be tuning in for a brand spanking new episode of Lost tonight?  I know I'll watch.  However, I am hesitant that they'll follow-up their harrowing season premiere with one of their classic "we'll answer that question later" episodes.  Maybe not though.  Guess we'll see.

It seems like forever since the last time Josh Ritter popped into my brain (I'll always love the song Wolves), so it was definitely a bright point for me when I stumbled across a new single from him last night.  Hear it below and then look for it on the upcoming So Runs The World Away, which actually isn't due out until the very far away day of May 4.  Oh well.  Enjoy.

:Josh Ritter - Change Of Time:  Wow.  I figured I would be presented with a foot tap-worthy folk tune when I clicked play, and instead I ended up with four minutes of slow building perfection.  Get your headphones for this.  Also, mark my words: if the rest of the songs on the new LP are this well crafted and inspired then Josh's name is going to be all over the place in 2010.

Josh Ritter - Wolves (Live)

- John Laird -

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