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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

For the sake of not having to write the same intro a million different ways throughout the rest of time, just know that this column avoids the overly long and sometimes dull process of full film reviews and instead opts to break things down based on what I thought going in, what happened while I was there and what I learned at the end of it all.  Hope that's OK.

Read on!

The Breakdown - Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

The Impression:

Edgar Wright (Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz) attempts to make the geekiest movie of all time.  The outcome can only be massive success or immense failure.

The Reality:

Edgar did it.  I had very high expectations going in and he actually made me feel bad for not setting them much higher.  Seriously.  Scott Pilgrim Vs The World is the most clever, fun, and refreshing movie that anyone will see in all of 2010. 

With that being said, it's not for everyone.  Most of you read this site because you enjoy things like indie music, silly humor, gaming and other things that could be construed as being geek-like activities.  So, naturally, you are going to have an absolute blast.  In fact, you'll have so much fun that you'll want to skip out of the theater, run in circles for half an hour and then devour an entire candy store.

And the rest of the world?  Well, some may find the love story charming, but for most of the movie they'll just be slumped in their seat with pixilated question marks hovering over their heads.

The Lesson:

If you give a talented guy some money and the freedom to do what he wants, on occasion what comes back is absolute brilliance.  Don't believe me?  Just think back to Kick Ass and Inception.  I win! (+5 argue)

- John Laird - - Digg!

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