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Friday, September 25, 2009

It's a good week.  And not because I'm so excited about the riff-raff of movies striking theatres this week, but instead because of these two reasons:

1.  My good man John Laird (a truly fine gentlemen if you've never had the chance to meet him, or the lovely lady he's lucky enough to call a wife, or their lovely pooch) has given me the okay to write about not just the mainstream fuh-licks, but each and everything that's crashing in to theatres this, and every following, weekend.  Goodbye Transformers 2, hello painfully artsy foreign independent who's name I can neither type nor say.

2.  It's nearly two in the morning hear in SF, and my lovely girlfriend Alex was kind enough to sit through each and every trailer of each and every film releasing this week and give some sort of one or two line answer about each.  I think this lady is hysterical and I'd be amiss if you didn't think the same.

See, a great fucking week! 

Lets see how I feel tomorrow at nine, when the booze has faded, and I'm bleary eyed staring at the sun.

As always, thanks for reading.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Jonathan Mostow
Cast: Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Ving Rhames

Summary: A murder mystery set in a near future where no one leaves the house but instead psychically controls a look-alike surrogate to do their daily tasks.

Thoughts:  Jonathan Mostow made Terminator 3, and I'm counting that as a solid strike against him.  Also, every "surrogate" in this film looks like Michael Douglas after his seventh face lift.  That said, I'm a sucker for sci-fi, so I might find myself half asleep, hand half-buried in popcorn, wishing I was seeing District 9 again, with Bruce Willis' still attractive mug flashing across the screen in front of me.  This doesn't look awful, it just doesn't look amazing.  I'd put this in the I, Robot category, and that's a tricky one.

Alex says: "I think I never want to see it."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  40%



Director:  Kevin Tancharoen
Cast:  Kelsey Grammar, Bebe Neuwirth, Megan Mullaly

Summary:  A remake of the beloved 80s musical about a high school for the arts in urban New York City.

Thoughts:  Lets think a little bit more about our remakes Hollywood.  From what I've heard, the original is a campy classic with children doing back flips off tables and the sweet smell of the early 80s lingering heavily in the air.  This looks like some "maverick" film-producer from the MTV-set got bored with his Wii, and decided a remake of his teenage favorite film might be a good idea. I see Center Stage heavily represented, and that is not a good thing.

Alex says:  "Is this a musical?  Wah wah. It feels like Dangerous Minds meets Funny Girl."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  28%


Director:  Christian Alvart
Cast:  Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster

Summary:   Two space guys awake on a spaceship, space hurtling by, unknowing of their missions.

Thoughts: When this film was still a teaser trailer in the corner of my eye, I thought, the presence of painfully over-acting Ben Foster aside, it looked pretty damn fantastic.  Two desperadoes trapped on a leaky space station, unknowing of its destination, or their fate.  Now, thirty trailers later, it looks like Event Horizon 2, and I'm not saying that as a good thing.  Ben Foster is a hack, and from what I can tell Dennis Quaid has done a painfully bad job of selecting films this year.  Yes Dennis, genre films are big right now, but please, pick one that's not seemingly a terrible rip-off of Aliens.

Alex says: "What!!?"

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  50%




Director: Anne Fontaine
Cast:  Audrey Tatou, Alessandro Nivola

Summary:  The life and times of fashion designer Coco Chanel (Audrey Tatou), before she was famous.

Thoughts:  Who cares about Coco Chanel before she was famous?  I went on a sort of fashion film bent two weeks ago and still this film looks a little Far and Away to me.   I mean seriously, this is like focusing on Robert E. Lee, when he was still picking cotton in VA, not leading a bunch of rednecks in to a war against their own countrymen.  And by that, I mean boring.

Alex says: "I'd Netflix it."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  66%



Director: Oren Peli
Cast:  Katie Featherson, Micah Sloat

Summary:  The life and times of fashion designer Coco Chanel (Audrey Tatou), before she was famous.

Thoughts:  Why couldn't have this genre of shaky cammed horror flicks come and gone with The Blair Witch Project?  I hate, HATE, the trailer for this film (the fake audience is painful) and am sad to see a second "real fake film" hitting the theatres this September.  Count me out.

Alex says: "If I was in to Ouija, I'd be in to that."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  91%



Director: John Krasinski
Cast:  Julianne Nicholson

Summary:  An adaptation of the late David Foster Wallace's short story book.

Thoughts:  After Away We Go I'm willing to see anything Krasinski does.  Though, from the trailer, I'd say this might be an early misstep in his directing career.  What you get from trying to adapt today's James Joyce.

Alex says: "That was a terrible trailer."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  43%



Director: Bob Gosse
Cast:  Matt Czuchry, Geoof Stults, Jesse Bradford

Summary:  Too angry to write.

Thoughts:  I fucking hate Tucker Max. 

Alex says: "This is the cliched musings of Maxim writ large on the big screen."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  28%


Final Thoughts:
Uh ... Jesus, if I was forced to I'd see a flick, it'd be Brief Interviews, but no ones doing that, so I'll just stay home with a bottle of Maker's and contemplate Hollywood's implosion.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

- Noah Sanders - - Digg!

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