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Friday, September 25, 2009


Today's Quick Mention:  The sudden slew of great shows continues tonight at the Mohawk with buzz acts Cymbals Eat Guitars and The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart.  And tomorrow?  More good times at the Mohawk, but with Lightning Dust.  Come and join, friends!

I have no idea where my retro-enthused Pipettes have up and gone to, but I'm happy to at least be able to say that one of their former members is keeping busy.  Sure, it isn't that hectic on her end, but beggars can't be choosers.  Or some other old saying.  Anyhow, not sure where the song below calls home, so click on the picture to the left and keep watch on her site for more info.  Enjoy.

:Rose Elinor Dougall - Fallen Over:  You really have to give up to Rose for releasing another pop gem.  She seems to have found a nice comfort zone where most who decide to branch off from an ensemble (and dare I say, novelty-esque) act like the Pipettes tend to either make the exact same music, but with them at the focal point, or they change so drastically you wonder how they ever ended up in their old group to begin with.  Consider me eager to see where she goes from here.

Rose Elinor Dougall - Start/Stop/Synchro (Official Video)

- John Laird -

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