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Friday, November 20, 2009

We are creeping, quite quickly actually in to the looming holiday season and the studios are sort of coughing up the small game in lieu of the enormous money makers to come. Of course, this is the weekend of Twilight, so perhaps I'm just talking out of my ass, but this feels like the calm before the storm. An animated flick from the creators of Shrek, a slightly chintzy looking sports flick, and of course Bela and Edward - consider me non-plussed. It's the limited films I'm interested in this go-around (as per usual), what with a slew of fantastic foreign filmmakers throwing out some amazing look films.

But perhaps the trailers will spin my opinion differently.

As always, Alex, reticent film dork, will be adding her two-cents.

Again, thanks for reading.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:



Director:  Jorge Blanco, Javier Abad
Stars:  Dwayne Johnson, Seann William Scott, Jessica Biel

What Is It?:  Seems to be a sort of twist on the unidentified flying object/alien invader story. Wherein usually, aliens crash land on Earth and we spend an hour and a half chuckling at their fish out of water story, this go-around an astronaut (Dwayne Johnson) crash lands on to an alien planet ... hilarity, sheer fucking hilarity ensues.

The Trailer?:  Phew, I'm pretty much in full-on defeat mode when even a few strands of that ZZ Top song play over a trailer. For some reason it just puts me in the mindset of that Kurt Russell Elvis movie, and that is not a good place to be. That painful remembrance aside, the trailer does almost nothing original, recycling any number of gags from any number of equally terrible animated films. Hundreds of thousands of children will see this movie though, so at least somebody's getting rich of this travesty.

Will I See It?:  Absolutely not. It's reason four million six hundred and two that I'm not having children - I don't want to get dragged to shit like this. Sorry future spawns of Noah, you stay in imaginary baby land, and I'll keep watching movies that I actually have a chance of enjoying.

Alex says:  "There's so much potential for a movie about space to be epic. At least ten things in space can kill you and this, this is it?"

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  17%




Director:  Chris Weitz
Stars:  Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner

What Is It?:  The second film in the increasingly fecal shit-show that is, ahem, The Twilight Saga. This go around they throw some werewolves in to the mix, and there's a lot of lusty teen angst.

The Trailer?:  For whatever reason (call me a masochist), I've seen a lot of trailers for this film and each one has been stupifyingly worse than the next. It flits about like the attention span of their intended audience, ten year old girls and my mother, and makes me quiver in post-adolescent rage. Bella, Edward and the whole lot need to be jettisoned in to the sun.

Also, whomever let that werewolf man have hair that long needs to lose their job.

Will I See It?:  Not if I was paid with a box of diamonds. Big shiny diamonds.

Alex says: "Noah, do you think Bella and Edward will ever be a part of our lives?"

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  29%



Director:  John Lee Hancock
Stars:  Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Tim McGraw

What Is It?:  Based on the book by Michael Lewis (sports writer extraordinaire) this is the story of Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a troubled youth who gets taken in by a Southern housewife (Sandra Bullock) and becomes a terror on the football field.

The Trailer?:  Abysmal. I understand that there's a market for this film that involves a certain demographic of women (and men) who partake in that distinct form of torture known as The Lifetime Channel, but jiminy cricket, this trailer barely makes this film seem like a movie about football. It's just schlocky adult contemporary music thrown over images of Sanda Bullock being a tough mom on and off the field. I actually swore out loud during this trailer, and I didn't even do that for New Moon.

Will I See It?:  It's up in the air. I'll see the movie if it has something to do with football and the coming-of-age of a disadvantaged kid on the football field. I will not see it if it is even somewhat reminiscent of the two minute trailer I was just force fed.

Alex says: "I don't know, I don't really like football ... or Sandra Bullock."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  69%





Director:  Pedro Almodovar
Stars:  Penelope Cruz, Lluis Homar, Blanca Portillo

What Is It?:  From what I can tell there's a lot, a lot going on in this film. Blind filmmakers, accidents involving blindness, Penelope Cruz possibly naked - but in no way whatsoever do I know how these things tie together. Intriguing though, yes?

The Trailer?:  Ah-mazing. Of course this film is going to look amazing as Almodovar is a master of the craft, but the music, the shot choice, the filmmaking on display here gives away nearly nothing of the plot, but is riveting nonetheless.

Will I See It?:  I will certainly talk about seeing it, and have in depth conversations with at least a few fellow film nerds about the merits of modern day Almodovar. But in the end, will I get out to a theatre and see this? Probably not. But I am recommending you see it.

Alex says:  "Looks like a masterpiece. Even the trailer was a masterpiece."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  80%



Director:  John Woo
Stars:  Tony Leung, Chiling Lin

What Is It?:  The supposed return to form for woefully waning director John Woo. A tale of ancient China, warlords and a terrible emperor with which they must battle.

The Trailer?:  Epic in the best way. Supposedly the only way they'd release it in the States was if John Woo had the opportunity to take the two-part behemoth and chop it in to his own America-friendly two-and-a-half-hour cut. Whatever, I'll take what I can get. You can feel the America in this trailer - the sweeping orchestral score, the quick cuts - but whatever, it's the most expensive movie ever made in China, and with John Woo at the helm, I'm almost drooling a bit.

Will I See It?:  Yes, I haven't seen a good Chinese epic in a dog's year and again, I'm slathering a bit just thinking about this one.

Alex says:  "The most expensive Chinese movie ever made? That is a flop-curse, a big bouzhie (ilk of the bourgeoisie) flop-curse."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  87%



Director:  Lukas Moodyson
Stars:  Gael Garcia Bernal, Michelle Williams

What Is It?:  An interwoven tale of globalization seen through the eyes of an overworked doctor (Michelle Williams), her husband (Gael Garcia Bernal) and their nanny.

The Trailer?:  Pretty Babel-esque if you ask me. Almost negatively so. I imagine this film, what with Bernal and the always surprising Williams in the leads, is interesting on its own right, but the push for the Babel audience shakes me a little. If they're not confident in creating their own movie, who's going to be confident enough to watch it?

Will I See It?:  On Netflix, indeed. In theatres, not so much.

Alex says:  "They already made The Beach and it starred Leonardo Dicaprio."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  53%




Director:  Werner Herzog
Stars:  Nicolas Cage, Val Kilmer, Xzibit

What Is It?:  The bat-fucking craziest project to come out this year. A re-imagining of Abel Ferrera's already bat-fucking crazy film Bad Lieutenant, directed by obsessive, prolific, genius Werner Herzog starring the two craziest men in film, Nic Cage and Val Kilmer.

The Trailer?:  Hah hah hah, I don't even know. As soon as Nicolas Cage is prodding imaginary iguanas on a table with Val Kilmer questioning his sanity this trailer ascends to amazing for me. Again, I'm shocked this one ever made it to market, but even more amazed at the product seemingly created.

Will I See It?:  Yes, and yes, and, uh, yes. I love myself a Herzog picture, and this looks as nutso as any of the greats.

Alex says:  "Werner, you surprise me."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  84%


Final Thoughts:  A lot of good stuff is meandering in to the big cities, but for the rest of America I almost feel sorry. I'd choose Red Cliff, with Bad Lieutenant sitting in the batter's circle.

Alex says:  "Maybe this is a good week for every one to make their own films. I've already got a good prompt: a day in the life of your local arsonist."


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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