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Tuesday, May 19, 2009



Today's Quick Mention:  I had the chance to see Terminator Salvation last night.  There aren't too many reviews floating around (probably due to how "official" critics aren't allowed to share their thoughts until the flick hits theaters), so I put one up in the film section.  It's somewhat positive.  Sort of.  I guess.

In sludging through yesterday's digital gifts I came across an act called Math The Band, who had what the PR people claimed to be a "long awaited" release titled Don't Worry.  I scoffed.  Then, of course, I listened to the gem below and realized that "long awaited" suddenly applied to me and the time between now and the release date of June 16.  The world is a cruel place, my friends.  Enjoy.

:Math The Band - Why Didn't You Get A Haircut?:  To be honest, I don't necessarily know how to prepare you for the onslaught of 8-bit glory that's about to jump out of your speakers and assault every single one of your senses.  So, I'll just give it a shot tri-question style.  Will it make you dance?  Yes.  Will it make you spazz the hell out?  Yes.  Will you have a good time doing the previous two things?  Hell Yes.   Now stop reading.  Start listening.  Have fun.

Math The Band - Leettsss Goooooo! (House Party Collage Video)

- John Laird -

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