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Friday, May 15, 2009

The sun is shining, I've been devouring films like a professional of late, I have a semi-day off tomorrow and I'm almost two days early on my write-up.  Things couldn't be looking further up. 

With that sort of positive energy crackling through my blood stream I'm willing and able as always to break down this week's releases for you, my maybe loyal readers...

Sadly, there's only one movie really being released tomorrow, and it's one I don't really like ... so, uh, I'll write about it. 

As always, thanks for reading.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Ron Howard
Cast: Tom Hanks, Ewan MacGregor, Ayelet Zurer

Summary: Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) religious investigator discovers a horrible assassination plot involving the Pope, the Vatican, and the overly used, oft times shadowy organization the Illuminati.

Thoughts:  II thought The Da Vinci Code was a fast-paced, pretty stupid, pretty entertaining thriller in book form, but somehow Ron Howard managed to elongate its paper-thin plot in to a two and half hour snoozer that literally sucked out a piece of my will to live and destroyed it.  Thus, my expectations for this second film aren't high.  But, Ewan MacGregor is in it, Tom Hank's hair has been altered so he no longer looks like he should be molesting children, and perhaps, perhaps, Ron Howard is so awash in the goodness of Frost/Nixon that this film might not suck.  Perhaps.  Also, how come Langdon's trying to stop the Pope's assassination?  That old coot has been screwing up shit for far too long.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  41%

Final Thoughts: I know, most of you will toss your money in to the succulent big budget trap that is Angels and Demons, but I implore you, please, spend your time tomorrow watching something different.  A Criterion film (like the amazing Science Is Fiction - a collection of oceanic shorts that leave Jacques Costeau for dead on a beach somewhere) or The French Connection (Gene Hackman and this film are as good as everything that's been said about theme) or the new Star Trek flick (everyone is talking about it and only the true haters are saying negative things) or hell, just go to your video store and pick something up from the more and more barren aisles.  Just don't go and see this film because you think you have to.  You don't.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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