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Friday, May 8, 2009

My thoughts on Wolverine last week seem to have been pretty true, as almost no one I've read or talked to enjoyed the movie in any way whatsoever.  I mean, I think people were excited about bits and pieces, but as a whole the movie seems to have failed.  Luckily for, well, someone, it failed with a 90 million dollar opening weekend, so I'm sure the continued shitty adventures of the always poorly represented Wolverine will continue...in Japan I hear.

This week we've got the Star Trek revamp and that's pretty much what has my mind reeling.  Lets just get in to and see what sort of vitrol I can upchuck out.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: J.J. Abrams
Cast: Chris Pine, Anton Yelchin, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg

Summary: Call it Star Trek: The Prequel, this is the story of the Star Trek Enterprise long before Kirk and Spock were wrestling with green women and speaking in stilted tones.  This is the early years that may have been spoke of, but never fully explained. 

Thoughts:  I'm so excited for this film.  I was a huge TNG fan growing up and even though I wish were seeing those continued adventures, a new story about the old crew as told by genre-master J.J. Abrams tickles me in ways I don't care to admit.  He's a master of tweaking mythology and if not given an endless time limit I think he's just the man to play with a property so ensconced in what came before.  Trekkies of the world, this movie isn't going to float your boat, but it's going to fucking rule.  I nearly promise.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  95%



Director: Benny Boom
Cast: Mike Epps, Mos Def, Donald Faison

Summary: A couple of dopey delivery guys drop off a few bricks of cocaine at the wrong address, setting in a motion a ten-person scramble for money, cash, and quite possibly hoes.

Thoughts:  I'm going to be honest, this movie looks pretty entertaining.  I don't know if it's because every film I've watched in the last three months has been old, weird, or foreign, but this seems to finger prod a certain part of my brain unused in months.  Also, for whatever reason it reminds of an African-American Snatch.  Finally, Mos Def and Avon Barksdale?  A duo made two and half feet behind the Pearly Gates.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  17%



Director: Kirby Dick

Summary: A documentary about in-the-closet politicians and public figures and how they support anti-gay legislation.

Thoughts:  Just reading the description of this movie enrages me/intrigues me enough to get out and see it.  Kirby Dick is a strong, low-budget sort of filmmaker that introduces ideas and concepts that might not be popular or agreed upon in the public forums, but that are always well described and documented.  I can't wait to see his take on the conservatives too scared to embrace their sexuality, who turn their hate lasers on gays in America.  Makes my skin ripple with anger.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  75%


Final Thoughts: : I don't know about you, but I'm seeing Star Trek.  No more shall be said.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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