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Friday, May 1, 2009

The movies plowing in to theaters this week are really pushing the envelope in terms of the Summer Movie Season kicking in to high gear.  Sure we've seen Watchmen and a few other bigger films stomp fools in theaters, but this is the start - big stupid rom-coms, big stupid comic book adaptations, big stupid animated films. 

I'm honestly more excited about the films opening this week, in the sort of "spark that joint, let us go to the movies" sort of way, than I have been about anything that's released in the last well three or four months.

Lets get in to it.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Aristomenis Tsirbas
Cast: Evan Rachel Wood, Luke Wilson, Justin Long

Summary: Earth is falling apart and the only way to save society is to forcefully take over the planet of Terra.  A battle, quite aptly, ensues.

Thoughts:  Ferngully 2009, that's all the trailer for this movie made me think.  I mean sure, it doesn't have Tone Loc voicing an iguana, or a bad guy that pretty much consists of black ooze, but this is it, the unrelated sequel we (I?) were hoping for.  Big bad environmentally evil people come to the peaceful planet of a bunch of buzzing, CGI-born insect creatures and they have to turn up the ass-kicking a bit to save the planet.  I just hope the Earth leader has a song about killing bugs.

Also, this might be the first Evan Rachel Wood movie where she doesn't play some sort of seductive teenager.  I mean, yes, she plays a teenager, but I'm not worried that she'll seduce my father in this film.  Odd.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  56%



Director: Mark Waters
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Emma Stone

Summary: A bachelor (McConaughey) is haunted by the ladies of his lascivious past.

Thoughts:  If it has McConaughey in it, and it's not Dazed & Confused, I could care less.  This is just another money-making rom-com, the dashing shmuck has attached himself to, to keep his name in the headlines.  This film, and honestly all like it, make me want to cut off various pieces of my body and send them in the mail to important producers, just to show them how much they hurt me.  The only plus side of this film that I can even half-assedly muster is that everyone in it will be easy to look at.  Sure, you might be blinded by artificially whitened teeth gleam, but at least your last vision will be of some sort of plasticized beauty.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  10%




Director: Gavin Hood
Cast: Hugh Jackman, Liev Schrieber, Ryan Reynolds, Danny Huston

Summary: A look back at the life and times of future X-Men berserker, Wolverine.

Thoughts:  I'm worried about this film.  The re-shoots, the reports about the poor usage of even poorer side-X-Men characters.  Quite honestly, Wolverine has been mishandled in the funny books for years and years, and I can't imagine they're going to do his painfully convoluted back story much justice on screen in just one movie.  Nonetheless, I was an X-men fanatic for most of my younger years and I'll watch this only for the chance to see Deadpool finally on screen.  But I'm worried, you hear me?  Worried.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  42%


Director: Jim Jarmusch
Cast: Isaach De Bankolé

Summary: A mysterious loner (De Bankole) has a job, a job he has to complete, regardless of the law.

Thoughts:  Jarmusch + crime - what other silly people seem to think about this film = must see.  I've waded through every Jarmusch film pressed on to celluloid, and everytime a new one straggles its way on to a couple screens across the country, I get flush with unknown levels of excitement.  Also Bankole, so good in Broken Flowers, is a bad-ass and any interaction we can get that involve him and Bill fucking Murray is Christmas in April for this fellow.  Go see this.  Go see it twice.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  21%


Final Thoughts: I mean, it's a weekend of big stupid films, but Jesus, that's what Hollywood loves these days.  Big, stupid films.  Thus, I'm just going to grab a coat hanger, lobotomize myself (after seeing Limits of Control of course) and then head out for a goddamn triple feature.  Self-brain damage, it's all the rage right now.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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