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Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a good time in my life.  I'm moving, I've got a spectacular lady friend, and feel more creatively driven than any other time in my entire life.  Hell, I don't imagine I could be a bit happier...

...unless I was attending SXSW this year.  I lost my SXSW virginity last year, in a haze of nooner Sparks, John Laird, and over a hundred bands I can barely remember less than 365 days later.  Sadly, due to budgetary concerns, familial obligations and just not enough time in my life, I'm bailing this year.  John Laird has already assaulted me with threats and tears and bribery, but I just can't do it.

To, in some strangely masochistic way, salve the oozing wounds of my pain, I'm going to rifle through (quick peek) the list of SXSW's Film offerings this year and just throw down four films I think any of you lucky bastards who are already soaking up Austin's constant good weather should check out.  I'm skirting away from the documentaries 'cause I'm lazy, but here's a bunch of narrative films I think you, you lucky bastards, should check out.

Pour out a Lonestar for me.  I'll shed some tears for you.

Catch These 4 At SXSW 2009:


Director: Greg Mottola
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Ryan Reynolds, Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Martin Starr

Summary: A college grad takes a job at the local shithole amusement park.  Hilarity ensues.

Thoughts:  I've stalked this film on the internet.  I've watched every clip released, seen the trailer a hundred times and I can't be more excited from the second film from Superbad helmer Greg Mottola.  It's got a similar cast of Judd Apatow's players and forcing them in to a late-80s amusement park setting just guarantees a truckload of laughter.  I'm also a sucker for pseudo-generic coming-of-age stories and this seems to be firing a 21-gun salute in all those regards.  Pull my ticket, I'm in.



Director: Duncan Jones
Cast: Sam Rockwell

Summary: Weird shit starts happening to an astronaut trapped, solo-style, on the Moon for three years.

Thoughts:  If this was just a film starring Sam Rockwell in absolutely tweaked mode, set on the Moon, I'd be camping out on the front steps of wherever the hell it's playing to get in.  But, on top of all those glowing attributes, this is the debut film by none other than Duncan Jones, the son of David Bowie.  I don't know if you've ever dug even slightly in to Bowie's filmic side, but the man has starred in some of the weirdest mainstream shit around.  From what I've heard his son Duncan doesn't falter in bringing the weird this go around either.


Director: Jody Hill
Cast: Anna Faris, Seth Rogen, Michael Pena, Ray Liotta

Summary:  A local mall security guard goes head-to-head with some local police officers.

Thoughts:  I haven't seen Fist Foot Way, the much lauded debut comedy from Jody Hill, but it's pretty much the film that made Danny McBride and that's saying something.  Everything I've heard about this film is dark, disturbed, and fucked-up hilarity wrapped together with barbed wire.  People are saying this is the film that'll change our perspective of Seth Rogen, give his bearded schlub character a darker edge, and I couldn't be happier about it.  I don't think this is one to bring your children to, but it's certainly going to knock us all on our collective asses.



Director: Lynn Shelton
Cast: Mark Duplass, Joshua Leonard, Alycia Delmore, Lynn Shelton, Trina Willard

Summary:  Two guys decide to bond just a wee bit more...by making a gay porno.

Thoughts:  This is some local flavor splashed out on the sandy mesas of old Austin, Texas.  Lynn Shelton has been garnering all sorts of goodness from this near-mumblecore piece about two friends who make a gay porno.  It even got picked up by Magnolia on the first day in Sundance.  Mark Duplass made a pretty good impression on me with The Puffy Chair, so I'm hoping Lynn Shelton made good with her every-person persona. 


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

- Noah Sanders - - Digg!

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