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Friday, June 5, 2009

I watched Up on Monday with my lovely girlfriend and her best friend Dartanyan in tow and was stunned, STUNNED by it.  I loved the sense of innate silliness that exists in Carl's world, the idea that there are adventurers and monsters and giant birds that if you look hard enough you can still find.  I love the idea that these concepts are fading as people like Carl are getting pushed out of neighborhoods so juice bars can open.  I love the romance and the first ten minutes. I loved Kevin and Doug and, hell, I was smitten by this film.  Get out there and see it.

By the way, 3-D, not my thing really.  Sort of made me nauseous and it detracts to such a large degree from the picture quality, in my opinion that I was semi-annoyed the entire time.  That said, I do love looking around a theatre at four hundred people all wearing dark shades, the reflection of a talking dog mirrored in their covered eyes.  Makes me think we are all kids, just in it for a good flick.

Alright, on to the week's releases.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Brad Silberling
Cast: Will Ferrell, Danny McBride, Anna Friel

Summary: Dr. Rick Marshall (Will Ferrell), the USA's resident crack pot scientist ends up being sucked in to space-time vortex (if I had a nickel...) alongside a dopey survivalist (Danny McBride) and his shockingly attractive assistant (Anna Friel).  T-Rex's appear, giant crabs snap their claws, Dr. Rick Marshall gets bitten by a big bug. 

Thoughts:  I'm always willing to give any Will Ferrell movie a shot.  Regardless if people think he's a bit of a one-trick pony, he's a funny, funny man and if you peek back over his films you'll see he actually has a pretty striking taste in what he stars in.  With Ferrell's presence drawing me closer I'm given a further push to see the film by Brad Silberling's presence (have you seen Moonlight Mile?) and of course comedic go-to man Danny McBride.  Both add a modicum of talent to a picture that has me thinking Land of the Lost might actually be worth my beer money.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  25%



Director: Todd Phillips
Cast: : Zach Galifinakis, Bradley Cooper, Justin Bartha

Summary: A Las Vegas bachelor party goes terribly wrong when the groom's drunken buffoon friends literally lose him. 

Thoughts:  This movie is pulsating with hype.  Everybody is saying it's the summer sleeper that's going to break the box-office.  And you know, Todd Phillips is one funny fucking director.  I still laugh all the way through Old School and sure some of his other work has been a bit half-baked (Starksy and Hutch = forgettable) but when he's on he's hilarious.  Supposedly this is the film that makes Bradley Cooper a star, and when's the last time you saw something with Z. Galifinakis in it that wasn't hysterical ... okay, when was the last time you saw Z. Galifinakis do anything that wasn't hysterical?   I might just have to pay money to see this film as well.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  81%




Director: Donald Petrie
Cast: Nia Vardalos, Richard Dreyfuss, Rachel Dratch

Summary: A travel guide finds love on an surprising trip through Europe.

Thoughts:  Where the hell did this movie come from?  I might be the only person in the entire world who hasn't seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding and I'm happy to have that responsibility.  Seriously, Nia Vardalos still gets work?  I mean sure it's alongside Richard "will work for blowjobs" Dreyfuss, but it seemingly has some sort of a budget.  I will not see this movie.  I will honestly not even walk in to a theatre that's playing this movie, or has played it within months of my entrance, as I think it might trigger my gag reflex.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  11%


Director: Sam Mendes
Cast: John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph, Allison Janney

Summary: A couple on the verge of having their first child venture out to see where exactly they should settle down.

Thoughts:  A Sam Mendes film, written by David Eggers and his talented lady friend Vendela Vida?  I'm there, with bells and one of those huge foam fingers you get at ballparks.  In the middle of this film I might just break out in to song, or hug whomever's sitting next to me, or maybe, just fall asleep in a state of bliss.  I would say I'm very excited to see this.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  61%

Final Thoughts: This might be the best week of films I've had the honor of previewing here at Side One: Track One.  Two amazing comedies and a lighthearted bit of well-crafted indie fare is equal to one hell of a hard choice for what I might see if I venture out to the cinema.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

- Noah Sanders - - Digg!

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