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Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh. My. God.  It seems that after a punishing summer of disappointment and racist robots, we've finally stumbled upon a weekend where I'm not only excited, I'm downright rabid to get out to the theater and throw my hard earned money in the pimple-drenched faces of the ticket box attendees. 

There's so much goodness this weekend, Seattle-goodness, big gay Bruno goodness, even a bit of corn-ball vampire goodness, and I'm tingly because of it.  

I can not continue to build the hype, I must write my many reasons.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Larry Charles
Cast: Sacha Baron Cohen

Summary: Another one of Cohen's hilarious alter egos is unleashed on the world of conservative America.  This time his uber-gay Eastern European journalist Bruno.

Thoughts:  Borat was an instant classic.  A smart, funny, bit of mockumentary that drew out some of the real evils that we as Americans just grin and bear on a daily basis.  I expect the same from Bruno.  There's been some serious hyperbole, on both sides of the pole, about the films outrageousness and worth, but I'm imagining it to be downright hysterical with leanings of outright shock. 

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  87%



Director:  Chris Columbus
Cast:  Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust

Summary:  Geeky high school nerd admits love to super attractive cheerleader on last day of school.  Madness ensues.

Thoughts:  Just when you thought Chris Columbus had stopped pumping out shit, he comes back and pumps out another one.  Hayden Panettiere's fifteen minutes of fame have come and gone and now all that's left is a strangely short blonde lady, just shy of midget status.  This movie reeks of high school cliché and I can only imagine someone as dried up as Columbus directing the film.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  11%




Director: Lynn Shelton
Cast: Mark Duplass, Joshua Leonard

Summary: Two best friends decide to make a gay porno.

Thoughts:  I'll be transparent: this film was co-produced by a good friend of mine, Jennifer Maas, who I absolutely adore.  Even if this film hadn't been ass-smacking the independent sides of all the major festivals, hadn't been scooped by pillar of awesomeness Magnolia, and hadn't just made a leap 'cross the sea to a little festival called Cannes, well, I'd still be recommending this.

It's funny, it's sweet, it's serious, it's about male bonding and the blurry line between love and like.  It's a bit Mumblecore, but in the most beautiful of ways.   I recommend it as highly as a romp in the hay with a beautiful stranger.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  87%

Final Thoughts: Sure the lingering ass of Columbus hangs in the air, but c'mon Bruno and Humpday.  I declare this a winner of a weekend!  The first in a long while!


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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