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Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today's Quick Mention:  Leah did well in her first column, but she totally forgot to mention KOOP's raffle that could net one lucky person a pair of SXSW Platinum Badges (valued at close to one zillion dollars).  You can decide whether or not she should be forgiven.

I don't really recall whether or not Handsome Furs' debut, Plague Park, was an effort that I loathed, loved or merely appreciated, but that certainly isn't going to stop me from being excited about their upcoming album; the song below is really just too good not to generate that reaction.  Sub Pop will put out the duo's sophomore LP on March 10.  Enjoy.

:Handsome Furs - Can't Get Started "The juxtaposition of cold, metronomic, electronic beats, courtesy of Alexei Perry, with the jagged, dissonant and frail, broken or breaking, guitars of Dan Boeckner portray what it is to be a human being at the bottom of the 21st century."  I found this on the band's Myspace and, while I confess that it makes me laugh every time I read it, I think that it's actually a somewhat accurate statement.  Although, to sort of cut out the pretentiousness, I believe I would have just simply went with the word modern.

Handsome Furs - Can't Get Started (Official Video)

- John Laird -

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