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Friday, February 20, 2009

This has to be, hands down, the very worst Friday for film releases of the entire year.  I'm so stunned by the sheer badness of the two films being spear-chucked at audiences this weekend that I'm just going to bypass the weekly introduction and jump straight to the fist-flying insults this horrid day deserves.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Tyler Perry
Cast: Tyler Perry, Derek Luke

Summary: Another unwatchable entry in the Madea series.  This time the overweight geriatric ends up, sigh, in jail.  I don't imagine any broomstick beatings or jail yard shankings made it in to the script.

Thoughts:  Tyler Perry, and his entire brand of poisonous crap currently degrading television and film, can chew on the soft succulence of my bonch.  If it doesn't involve Dustin Hoffman, Tom Hanks, Jack Lemmon or Walter Mattheau, I'm always, ALWAYS against men dressing up like women for humor's sake.  Every frame of every trailer of seen for this film or any other film with Tyler Perry's name stapled to it have not only turned me away from viewing the film, but enraged me.  This is popular comedy these days.  These are the films that the big name studios are throwing a hefty amount of money at so we can have sequel after sequel after sequel.  And you know if the studios were pumping these films out and they were bombing the box office, I'd be okay with that.  Choke on your own stupidity you big name assholes.

But that's not the case.  Oh no, we the American people (hopefully not a single one of you currently reading this post) are tossing cash at these films.  We're taking our children to see these films.  We're going to these film for first dates and family outings.  And because of us throwing away our money on the story of an old woman going to jail in a non-serious way, we're being treated like the morons we're presenting ourselves as.  Get it together people.  Go see a film that has merit (Milk, Slumdog Millionaire, Defiance, hell, Friday the 13th), please, so my blood pressure will stop sky-rocketing and I can live to see my thirtieth birthday.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  N/A



Director: Will Gluck
Cast: Eric Christian Olsen, Nicholas D'Agosto, Sarah Roemer

Summary: : Football jocks bail on their training camp to partake in the holy grail of tail-chasing: cheerleading camp.

Thoughts:  Uh, Jesus, I can barely muster the energy to lambaste this.  Just read the second paragraph of my thoughts on Madea Goes To Jail.  Then go outside and scream and scream and scream to rid yourself of the anger coursing through your veins.

It's like every year some schmuck, this time failed-television producer Will Gluck, remembers that, "oh yeah" American Pie was a really popular film and "well shit" making a stale rehash of it might pull in some brain-dead teenagers lunch nickels.  There's a special place in hell for people like you.  A special place that involves Velveeta cheese bongs and sharp, well-aimed pitchforks.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  31%


Final Thoughts:  Stay at home this weekend if you're feeling like a film.  Hell, rent a few of the classics, grab a Criterion film, marathon a television series - but please, don't go even a few steps towards the cinema unless you're armed with eggs and rotten tomatoes.

Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

- Noah Sanders - - Digg!

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