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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

In typical this column fashion, I'm attacking the holiday season's bounty of shitastic and delightful films midway through the titular holiday season.  Thus, I'm breaking down my attack of the bloated budgets in to a three category bit of madness highlighting the Yuletide films I've seen, the films I want to see, and the films that the rest of mush-brained America will throw their wadded one dollar bills at.

The holiday season is always a big one for films and me.  My family has been seeing a Christmas movie for as long as I can remember (Cool Runnings one year, Scrooged another) thus I dig through upcoming releases with one thought in mind: what'll do best for my oft times cranky family of film lovers.

Lovely Alex, a notorious scrooge, will be voicing her sugar-plum laced opinions as well.

Hope ya'll have a lovely season.  Drink some egg nog, hug a friend, do something nice for someone else, doesn't matter what you believe in.

As always thanks for reading.

What I've Seen So Far:

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

What Is It?:  Wes Anderson (The Royal Tenenbaums and such) takes on Roald Dahl's oft times overlooked short fiction piece, The Fantastic Mr. Fox ... in stop-motion.

What'd I Think?:  I'm an enormous Wes Anderson apologist and am one of few people who loved/loves Darjeeling Limited.  Even with word that Anderson directed this from his Paris hotel room, I absolutely loved this movie.  It's magical and silly and beautiful to look at, and Anderson and Noah Baumbach's script just flies along, gifting each character with the sort of quirky intellectualism their known for.  Blown away, absolutely blown away.

Should You See It On Christmas?:  Yes, yes you should with your entire extended family, the homeless man who roots through your garbage, and the family of Jehovah's Witnesses from across the street - they'll all love it.

Alex Says:  "Noah saw this film in the theater with out me. Thus I probably won't be seeing it until it is available on Netflix Instant, but I'm really looking forward to that day."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  92%


Up In The Air

What Is It?:  The highly anticipated third effort from Hollywood golden boy Jason Reitman (Thank You For Smoking and Juno).  Reitman again digs in to the world of a likable asshole, an outsider purposefully living on the fringes.  This time it's George Clooney's Ryan Bingham, a termination engineer, who spends his entire life ... in the air.

What'd I Think?:  Eh.  I'm going to go against popular opinion and say I wasn't absolutely wowed by this film.  There's great parts (George Clooney continues his seemingly unstoppable march of amazing roles) and some great scenes but the films overlong and clouded with cliché.   It isn't a complete strikeout, but it certainly isn't a success.

Should You See It On Christmas?:  Hmmmm ... sure.  It's just so chock full of cliché it might touch that gooey soft spot just below your spleen.  Yeah, that one.

Alex says:  "The worst god damn film I've seen in ages. Jesus H! I nearly left the theater."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  90%

Films Worth Missing:


What Is It?: Eastwood's non-stop avalanche of late-life films continues.  This time he digs in to the world of Nelson Mandela and his attempt to reunite the nation using their rugby team.  Matt Damon stars as the captain of the Springboks.

The Trailer?:  Eh, looks too damn heartwarming.  Mandela is a fascinating icon and I think this story is an interesting way to go about lending a personal air to his mammoth image.  But criminy, how many swelling strings and shots of white people playing with black youth do you need to lure the hook with Oscar bait?  Puh-pass.

Why No X-Mas Viewing?:  I don't want to be heart-warmed on X-Mas, I want to be surprised or wowed or taken completely out of the holiday spirit.  This looks too inspiring and that, that grosses me out.

Alex Says:
"Do you have a largish nice-ish television? Then I suggest to skip this new generation Mighty Duck film and watch Cry Freedom. A riveting true story about Steven Biko, if you've never heard of him I implore you, you need to see this film, it's also a book if you're into words on a page."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  77%




What Is It?:  A musical adaptation of Fellini's surreal classic 8 1/2.   A famed director struggles to produce his next masterpiece, and by struggle, I mean, he sleeps with as many beautiful women as he can in his attempt to knock another one out of the park.

The Trailer?:  Looks like every hot woman in Hollywood was somehow wooed in to the making of this film.  Though I heard Nicole Kidman was in the film, and her ice princess mug doesn't seem to make the trailer.

Why No X-Mas Viewing?:  We saw Dreamgirls for Christmas one year and no one was happy.
  Well except for Eddie Murphy, but he hogged all the popcorn.  That mistake will not be made again.

Alex says:
  "Let's just get tickets to the cast party."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  43%

It's Complicated

What Is It?:  Looks like Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin got blackmailed by terrorists or something, because this looks like utter rom-com shit to me.  Man and woman love each other, but are divorced ... antics ensue.

The Trailer?:  Gut-wrenching.  I feel like someone poured acid in my throat, and then kicked me in the nuts when I was down.

Why No X-Mas Viewing?:  I'd rather be crucified like my old pal Jesus

Alex Says:
 "Meryl Streep. Alec Baldwin. Steve Martin. I would see this film. I would see this film if paid for by my step-mom this holiday season if we weren't on bad terms. She's a bully. Make a bully pay for your ticket on this one."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  44%

Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

What Is It?:  Just the sort of film that'll ruin the holidays.

The Trailer?:  As painful as a metallic gouge to the eyeball.

Why No X-Mas Viewing?:  The squeaky tones of animated chipmunks makes my brain pulsate.  Also, Jason Lee looks like he's been hitting the hamhocks a little hard.  But even that isn't an excuse for him to be in this film.

Alex says:
 "Alvin, Simon, Theodore! I was always Alvin. "

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  24%


The Imaginarium Of Dr. Parnassus

What Is It?: Heath Ledger's final film.  Terry Gilliam's latest possibly crappy film.  It looks like those King's Quest games from Sierra in the 1990s.

The Trailer: Johnny Depp's playing at being English again, and as I said above the film looks almost too computer graphic heavy.  But there's a sort of terrifying whimsy to the trailer that had me sitting on the edge of my seat.  Yet still, I have no idea what this film is about.

Why No X-Mas Viewing?:  I just don't trust you Terry Gilliam.  That whole Man of La Mancha debacle broke you in a way that crushed your creative spirit and in crushing that spirit, broke your ability to make a good movie.

Alex Says:
 "Imaginarium is not found on Dictionary.com nor Noah Webster's hideous website, but I like this trend. Or maybe it's less of a trend then a trait present since the beginning of humanity."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  63%


Films Worth Seeing:

The Princess And The Frog

What Is It?:  Disney's back in the traditional 2-D game with this New Orleans-centric retelling of the Princess/Frog story. Looks to have some voodoo, some pretty sangin', some obnoxious sidekicks, and a typically Disneyfied female protagonist.

The Trailer?: Uh, well, it doesn't exactly wow me.  The film looks beautiful, but yikes-stripes this is just rehashed Disney nonsense.

Why Possible X-Mas Viewing?: There's some part of me that still just wants a return to the Golden Age of Disney.  I want Belle and Ariel and Jasmine and that thief kid in one giant superstar spectacular.  But that's never going to happen, so I'll take my chances with a new female protagonist and her farting firefly friend.

Alex Says:
 "I like grits and innies. When I might see this film: bored on a plane behind a squirming toddler with a portable dvd on her lap."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  83%



The Lovely Bones

What Is It?:  Jackson's take on the monumentally cheesy tale of life and life-after-death that is Alice Sebold's Lovely Bones.  A lot of dreamy afterlife and heart-wrenching emotional turns to be had here.

The Trailer?:
 If not for Jackson's participation in this film, I'd be wont to see it.  Seriously, no one wants a trailer for the sequel to What Dreams May Come ... no one.  And this, this trailer makes me want to go find Robin Williams and give him a lengthy shake-down.

Why Possible X-Mas Viewing?:
 Peter Jackson does dip his wick in the old fondue pot every once in a while, but his films still scream with an epic sort of imagination that always knocks me on my ass.  I'm still excited from the T-Rex fight in King Kong and I'll admit it, Lovely Bones made me cry like I was wearing a diaper.  Thus, maybe Jackson'll will subvert expectations and make a solid piece of film, not some emotional piece of flan.

Alex Says:
 "I guess."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  41%


What Is It?:  Cameron's first film in nearly twelve years.  An epic space-opera that many have been referring to as a space retelling of Dances With Wolves.  Man with problems immerses himself in the trials and tribulations of a distant planet's indigenous people, war breaks out, man must decide who he is.

The Trailer?:  Looks fucking huge.  The computer-graphics on my fourteen inch screen don't do much, but I imagine in the cold confines of the largest theatre I can think of, it'll be just jaw-dropping.

Why Possible X-Mas Viewing?:
 'Cause sometimes I want my Yuletide celebrated with explosions, giant robots, and alien races wrecking shop.  Who's with me?

Alex Says:
 "Sigourney Weaver is still such a sex pot. Her and Bill made such magical slimer moments."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  84%

Crazy Heart

What Is It?:  The lonesome tale of a broke-down musician (Jeff Bridges) and his last ditch effort to save his weary soul.

The Trailer?:
 Honestly, looks like someone sprayed cheese-dick on a wall.  And by that I mean, no way no how.  Bridges looks like The Dude but slowly pushed through the meat-grinder, reconstructed in all the wrong ways and then sent out on the road.  And that looks awesome.

Why Possible X-Mas Viewing?:
 Jeff Bridges sort of looks like Santa Clause, and a hard-boozing Santee Claws always gets me excited.  Just like Pops used to do.

Alex Says:
 "Jeff Bridges, why aren't you my uncle?"

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  90%


Sherlock Holmes

What Is It?:  A new take on the classic Arthur Conan Doyle character.  This time Robert Downey Jr. plays Holmes and a bemustached Jude Law plays Watson.  There's a lot of fighting and shirtless Downey.  I'm swooning already.

The Trailer?:  Looks great.  People are bitching that it looks too much like a Ritchie film, but guess what suckers?
  It is.  This is going to be a new kind of Holmes friends, one where martial arts are used, cuts are quick, and sex is had.  A Victorian James Bond if you ask me.

Why Possible X-Mas Viewing?:  This movie looks great.  I've been waiting on a good Ritchie film since Snatch and think without Madonna cluttering up his mind, this might be the one.  Also my parents have both stated that this is the film they want to see, and since they foot the bill for popcorn, I do what they say.

Alex says:
 "Tweed and British prints! A book written by an author bed ridden who was administered cocaine as a treatment. Definitely going to be a gem. Don't fuck it up Robert Downey Jr."

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  71%


Final Thoughts:  I was sure coming in to this Holiday Holidaze that there would be one, maybe two films I'd be in to.  But this holiday season seems to have a strong showing of old directors and old actors that I'm still curious about.  Sure, there's a sequel to the rodent film, but I can maybe forget about that (when I'm on my deathbed).  I think Sherlock Holmes will end up being my X-Mas film, but at least there's a solid handful of other flicks I can peruse as the season grinds on past.

Alex's Final Thoughts:
 "notorious scrooge"  Noah? Hardly. I'm closer to the beryl fur colored Grinch.

You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch.
You're the king of sinful sots.
Your heart's a dead tomato splot
With moldy purple spots,
Mr. Grinch.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

- Noah Sanders - - Digg!

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