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Friday, August 28, 2009

What a bizarre week of releases.  One half, a literal gore-filled slew of horror franchise rehashes, the other a solid set of under-the-radar releases from one must-see director and another must-see actor.  I'm puzzled, but happily so.

As always, thanks for reading.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Rob Zombie
Cast: Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm McDowell

Summary: The second in the Zombie-esque revamping of the semi-beloved Halloween franchise.  Michael Myers escapes again and kills people, or at least that's what I'm assuming.

Thoughts:  Hmmmm ... the press on the first Halloween remake was abysmal at worst, divided at best.  What I've seen of Zombie's work in the past (The Devil's Reject) was enjoyably offensive but didn't prompt me to marathon my way through the rest of his assorted, grim and grotesque filmography.  Also, and please throw sharp objects at me, I saw the original Halloween a long while ago for some film class or another and thought, if anything, that it was boring.  How many long takes of Laurie Stroud being silently stalked by Michael Myers do we have to endure before the big guy starts taking heads off? 

Whatever, there's a built in audience for this shit, so I'm sure it'll make enough money to prompt yet another sequel remake.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  N/A



Director:  Ang Lee
Cast:  Demetri Martin

Summary:  A filmic adaptation of Elliot Tiber's memoir about Woodstock and being gay.

Thoughts:  Ang Lee = must-see, regardless of subject matter, popular opinion, or history of success.  He's just looking at things through a lens that no one else even owns.  I'm curious about Demetri Martin, I've always thought his comedy to be slightly cutesy in a non-interesting way, and I'm curious as to how he plays a multi-layered character.  All that said though, Ang Lee knocked one in to the river with Lust, Caution, so I'm more than excited to dive in to his look at the 1970s.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  51%


Director:  David R. Ellis
Cast:  Nick Zano, Krista Allen, Andrew Fiscella

Summary:   The fourth film in this splatter-fest of Death avoided and Death revenged.  I believe again someone, somehow predicts a gruesome accident, but ends up watching their group of friends picked off in zany ways one by one. 

Thoughts: If you're going to invest some time in current horror franchise films, the Final Destination series is really the only one worth even semi-peeking at.  Sure, it's dumb and bloody, but that's all it's trying for.  I've only seen the first entry in to the series, but damn if I didn't watch it a few times as I was so entertained.  It's assured that this entry will have zanier kills, gorier deaths, and even more scantily clad ladies.  Thus, if that's your thing, I know where you'll be this weekend.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  N/A




Director: Robert Siegel
Cast:  Patton Oswalt

Summary:  The New York Giants (self-professed) biggest fan gets the shit kicked out of him by his favorite athlete.  Dark, strange comedy ensues.

Thoughts:  Combine a former Onion editor's (and writer of The Wrestler) dark humor with a stellar performance by a perfectly hyped comic like Patton Oswalt and you've got a film I'm dying to get at.  The poster work has been exceptional, and the tone of the film looks to border on uncomfortable.  I'm all for films about obsession, thus this one is at the top of the list this week.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  88%


Final Thoughts:
It's a pretty great week for cinema from crappy to wonderful, but I'm throwing my hat in Big Fan's dark little ring. 


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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