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Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm sitting here shaking my head at this week's releases.  I'm concentrating mighty hard to somehow get myself in to the mind of whomever tossed out this selection of films this week.  I guess you could chalk up a week full of a film about Julia Childs, the G.I. Joe flick, and the new Robert Rodriguez flick about tiny robots to some sort of counter-programming experiment, but I'll just continue you shaking my head and try not to spit up on myself while writing this week's column.

As always, thanks for reading.

Hitting Theaters This Weekend:


Director: Nora Ephron
Cast: Meryl Streep, Amy Adams

Summary: Based on the book of the same name, the film follows Julie Powell (Amy Adams) as she attempts to cook everything Julia Childs (Meryl Streep) has ever done. 

Thoughts:  I'm in Seattle right now, and my slightly daffy mother is sitting in a blue chair yelling at me about how much she loves this book.  She's also arguing with me about Nora Ephron.  Somehow, for once, she's right and now I'm angered that my mother has bested me in filmic knowledge.  Thus I'm angry at this film for somehow distracting me long enough to biff a film question, and thus I'm giving it a thumbs down.  Straight down to the underground.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  66%



Director:  Robert Rodriguez
Cast:  Jimmy Bennett, James Spader, Kat Denning

Summary:  A gaggle of school children find a rock that lets them wish for, uh, stuff, and said, er, stuff comes true.  Somehow a legion of tiny robots (called "Shorts") fit in to the story.

Thoughts:  Robert Rodriguez is a fucking hack.  A giant machete slice of dung that continues to besmirch his own good name.  I'm even questioning my love of some of his early movies just because he keeps squatting out shit like this.  That said, that idea of a wishing rock that doesn't always get your wishes peaks the interest of my inner-13 year old.  You know the one who sat in his bedroom and tried to think of the perfectly phrased wish that no genie, or wishing rock, could besmirch.  Oh c'mon, you didn't do that?

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  N/A


Director:  David Twohy
Cast:  Milla Jovavich, Steve Zahn, Timothy Olyphant

Summary:   A pair of couples VKing in Hawaii discover that some sickos are stalking and killing folk ... folk, just like them.

Thoughts: David Twohy is awesome (Pitch Black!) but he hasn't been able to crest that B-movie director hill yet, so I'm not surprised that this film completely blindsided me in it's release.  Nonetheless, anytime Twohy throws out a film I'm probably going to see it, and a film that's got Zahn and Olyphant in it has me pretty excited.  Especially one involving murderous folk on the sunny isles of Hawaii.  Twohy might be a faded memory, but I'm pretty sure this will be at least entertaining.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  43%




Director: Stephen Sommers
Cast: Channing Tatum, Dennis Quaid, Marlon Wayans

Summary: A silly action flick based on the 80s Hasbro toyline of the same name.  Things will explode, ninjas will fight, the Eiffel Tower will melt in a spray of green acidic death. 

Thoughts:  If anyone on Earth should be drinking a big-budget version of an 80s cartoon action flick about U.S. soldiers named Roadblock and Duke and Scarlett, it should be Stephen Sommers.  From what I hear this film does everything it sets out to and if you can believe Devin Faraci - one of my favorite reviewers on the 'net - then this film is a huge fucking blast. Seriously, robotic suits that let you jump through car windows and ninjas fighting in fire - count me in.

Rotten Tomatoes Score:  43%

Final Thoughts: I don't know about this week, I'd certainly pay to see A Perfect Getaway and G.I. Joe, but neither are really screaming at me to rush on in to the cineplex.  Maybe I'll just stay home and watch Okie Noodlin'.  Yeah, finger-baitin', catfish hunting, that's the ticket.


Noah Sanders is the blog/news editor at Light In The Attic and a contributor at Sound On The Sound and the KEXP blog.  He also has his own Criterion-based film site, Criterion Quest.   If you'd like to contact Noah in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

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