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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Couple of things before we start...

This this might be the last news rundown of the year.  Next weekend the site will be on mini-break for Thanksgiving and then after that there's only two weeks (this time will be filled with year-end lists) until we go on full holiday.  Bummer, right?

Last but not least, I beg you to go see JVCD.  If you haven't heard the movie is about Jean Claude Van Damme (he plays himself) getting mixed up in a robbery, and it is one of the best films I've seen all year.  Seriously.  Go now.  It will make your life better.

Here's the news.  Read on.

- The Rundown -

The Screen Actors Guild is seeking a strike authorization.  Here's hoping we don't have to deal with that again.

For some reason Will Smith thinks it's OK to make an Oldboy movie as long as its based on the original graphic novel and not the Korean flick.  It isn't.

Universal has signed a deal that will allow them to exclusively adapt anything and everything that has or will be written by Robert Ludlum (the Bourne novels).

Apparently, Shazam is not dead.  Warner Bros have acquired a script, which is actually called Captain Marvel, for Peter Segal to direct.  Get Smart 2 will probably come first, though.

Tim Blake Nelson has said that if a Hulk 2 happens that there is a plan for him to play the Leader.

Jonah Hex has seen another setback, the directors have left to due to creative differences.

The seemingly dead He-Man movie has suddenly landed a director in Kung Fu Panda-helmer John Stevenson.

TMNT's Kevin Munroe is said to be ready to direct War Monkeys, which is a horror comedy about two janitors stuck in a research facility after they accidentally release a bunch of military trained monkeys.

Aaron Eckhart has signed on to star in Battle: Los Angeles.  The movie is about a platoon of soldiers battling aliens in Los Angeles.

Breck Eisner's remake of Romero's the Crazies has added Timothy Olyphant as the lead.

Jason Reitman has decided on Anna Kendrick (over Ellen Page and Emily Blunt) to star along side George Clooney in Up In The Air.  She will play the woman who becomes enamored with the main character's obsession to reach one million frequent flyer miles.

Mila Kunis will join Denzel Washington in the post-apocalyptic flick The Book Of Eli.

Gore Verbinski is all set to direct a remake of the Host, which is about a giant squid terrorizing a little town.

Ron Howard and Mitch Hurwitz have let it be known that an Arrested Development film is really happening.

Colombia is trying to acquire the rights to make a movie about the life of Eugene Allen, who was a butler in the White House for over 30 years.

O.C. creator Josh Schwartz has been hired by Fox to pen an adaptation of X-Men: First Class using characters from the previous movies.

- John Laird - - Digg!

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