:Coldplay - Violet Hill: I know I sort of gave Chris Martin and Co. a rough time in the introduction, but this is actually a great song. Not only is the music heavier than anything I've heard them do before, but it's crafted in a way that makes you want to pay attention to it, which is a nice change of pace from their snooze-worthy sounds of the past. Strangely (or maybe not), the same can be said for Martin's songwriting and vocals. His voice actually floats between edgy and alt-rock in this gem, and I can't help but latch onto the way he slips out lines like "If you love me/Won't you let me know." I suppose it's possible that the whole record won't be anything like this song, but if it is then I think it's going to end up being something I'll listen to frequently.
I went with Yellow. Why? I'm not exactly sure. I think it has something to do with the cheesiness of walking on a beach at night. Although, part of me thinks that on some level this just might be the only other Coldplay song that I've ever really liked.